It's been just over a week since I returned from Australia... I miss it.
After the World Parks Congress, I spent 3 days near Noosa National Park to soak up some rays and debrief on my time at the Congress. After my return, and a much-needed recovery period from jet lag, I am still trying to process all of the learnings and inspiring conversations that I was able to have at the Congress. It's difficult. There were so many amazing experiences and so many incredible people that it's hard to write it all down, let alone process it in my busy brain.
And my brain hasn't stopped, despite the whirlwind of a trip coming to an end. And oh it was a whirlwind. My itinerary looked something like this (and the other CC-IUCN youths' itinerary was similiar!):
Nov 5 - Left Vancouver at 11:40 pm for a fun flight ahead
November 7 - Arrived in Sydney, headed directly to the Blue Mountains for a WCPA Young Professionals Pre-Congress gathering with 30 inspiring conservation professionals from around the world. This is where we began drafting our "Young People's Pact" to present at the Congress. I took advantage of every free moment to head for a trail run or hike in the nearby park with new friends - this place was magical!
WCPA Young Professionals feeling inspired and connected in the Blue Mountains. |
Committed to walking the talk, we planted over 200 trees to create a natural bio filtration system. |
Where my trail runs led me. How gorgeous is this?! |
November 11 - Back to Sydney for a tour and workshop at Google (where we all left scheming how we could convince Google that they need 30 international conservationists working for them... I mean, there's endless fun on Google Earth, bouldering
and napping pods).
November 12 - 19 - Jam-packed, inspiring, motivating, exciting, sleepless week at the Congress. Presentations, events, and way too many impromptu meetings with people doing amazing conservation work around the world.
The awesome CC-IUCN Youth team at the World Parks Congress! Myself and Shailyn (Board Members) on either side and Claire and Mila (our 2 Youth Ambassadors) in the middle.
My presentation on the benefits of collaboration between the conservation sector and the outdoor retailer industry at the Congress. |
November 19 - Off to the Sunshine Coast for some beach time to attempt to process the amazing week and a half that just took place.
Me debriefing on my experiences at the Congress while in Noosa (and getting distracted by way too much beauty). |
November 23 - Left Sydney just after 12:00 pm and arrived in Vancouver, the same day, at 8:00 am. I love time travel.
November 24 - Groggily headed into work. It's amazing how you can be so tired but so excited to put your new-found inspiration to work.
My coastal Australian view at work. :) |
I learned a ton, I met so many amazing people, but I think the overall message I'm taking away is the ever-important concept of collaboration. Collaboration between young people in Canada and all over the world, between different generations of conservation leaders, between organizations working within the conservation movement itself - whether it be government organizations, non profits, or passionate individuals...
Perhaps most importantly, I learned the true benefit and need for collaboration with groups outside the typical walls of the conservation movement.
If we are going to overcome the large issues we are currently facing (and the issues that are yet to come) -- issues like climate change, young peoples' disconnect from nature, massive global biodiversity loss -- we need people to care. We need to reach people across the globe, in diverse communities, and in differing ways to really meet them at their level. I believe that in order to reach these people, we need to work with partners that have the ability to reach different groups than us, who can help us grow our impact. I am excited to see how I can work with the business community, with the arts community, with who-knows-what-other-types-of-communities-we-haven't-thought-to-work-with-yet, to work specifically towards connecting young people in Canada to the outdoors.
Collaboration for the win!
Excited to keep the energy from the Congress alive (and growing) back in Canada.
Stay tuned for more updates from the team! |